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AKINCI UCAV Fires New Version of UAV-230 Missile

AKINCI UCAV Fires New Version of UAV-230 Missile

ROKETSAN’s UAV-230 aero-ballistic missile’s new version with changes to control surfaces was fired from AKINCI UCAV. The new version has six smaller tail fins instead of four and larger control surfaces on the front. 

The location marked on the sea was successfully hit. The test’s footage was shared shortly after the firing test of UAV-122 missile’s TV and laser seeker variants. Both missiles hit the small-sized targets on the sea using the terminal guidance provided by seekers. Baykar additionally shared the video feed from the TV seeker before the impact. Both UAV-122 and UAV-230 have a white nose tip section, which was replaced by the seeker on the new UAV-122 variants. Thus, UAV-230 will likely be seen with a seeker shortly. UAV-230 has been tested at a range of 150 km and achieved sub-meter accuracy in its previous test. The missile reaches high supersonic speeds thanks to the more horizontal trajectory compared to its parent missile, TRG-230, for ROKETSAN’s universal MLRS system. The missile carries a 42 kg warhead with HE-FRAG, shaped charge, and thermobaric options, making it ideal for various targets like buildings, bunkers, and air defence systems. Thanks to its simpler components, UAV-230 is a faster and cheaper alternative than cruise missiles. This provides AKINCI and other UCAVs with a low-cost stand-off capability for the missile.