Anti-Turkish Letter to the Congress

Anti-Turkish Letter to the Congress

Seven organisations that oppose the sale of F-16 aircraft to Turkiye sent letters to the heads of the US Senate and House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committees. Seven Greek, Jewish, Greek Cypriot, Kurdish, and Armenian organisations in the United States have called for an agreement not to proceed with the upgrade of Turkish F-16s and the sale of F-16 jets.

A total of seven US organisations under the coordination of Eddie Zemenidis and the Hellenic American Leadership Council ( HALC ) request to not sell jets to Turkiye. The letter is addressed to Senators Bob Menendez, James Rees, Jack Reed and Jim Inhoff, and to MPs Gregory Micks, Michael McCall, Adam Smith and Mike Rogers.The seven organisations that sent letters are;Hellenic American Leadership Council – HALCAmerican Jewish Committee – AJCInternational Coordinating Committee – Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA)American Friends of KurdistanArmenian National Committee of AmericaMiddle East ForumIn Defense of ChristiansAnti-Turkish Letter to the Congress The organisations claim that Turkiye has not made any move to change all those that had led to its exclusion from the F-35 co-production program.US-Turkish relations improve as Turkiye supports Ukraine against its war with Russia while supporting peace negotiations with both countries. Turkiye implies the Montreux Convention that keeps non-Black Sea countries away from the sea and the non-Black Sea fleet of Russia.Anti-Turkish Letter to the Congress