Belarusian Hackers Wanted to Disrupt Russian Build-up

Belarusian Hackers Wanted to Disrupt Russian Build-up

According to a member participating in the attack, their aims include liberating political prisoners, withdrawing the Russian military from Belarus, and stopping Belarusians from "dying for this worthless conflict."

According to a member of the "Cyberpartisans," the hacktivist group has encrypted or damaged internal databases used by Belarusian railroads to monitor traffic, customs, and stations, causing delays in commercial and non-commercial trains and "indirectly affecting Russia forces mobility."

The string of cyberattacks has shaken the government. This summer, the Cyberpartisans and two other pro-democracy groups were labelled radicals. Lukashenko responded to the wave of leaks by instructing his senior employees to write down information by hand instead.

"If you can't... secure information on your computers, go back to utilising paper," Lukashenko urged his ministers at a mid-August meeting. "Handwrite it and keep it on your desk.""If you cannot … protect information on your computers, then go back to using paper," Lukashenko urged his ministers at a mid-August meeting, " Write by hand and put it in your desk