Britain Supplies Anti-Tank Weapons to Ukraine

Britain Supplies Anti-Tank Weapons to Ukraine

Britain said on Monday that it has begun delivering Ukraine with anti-tank weaponry to aid in its defence against a potential invasion during a standoff with Russia, which has massed soldiers along the Ukrainian border.

Some Western countries are concerned that Russia is developing a pretext for a fresh attack on Ukraine, which it invaded in 2014. Moscow denies any plans for an assault but has stated that it may take unspecified military action if the West does not agree to a list of demands, including barring Ukraine from joining NATO. Last week"s talks ended without a breakthrough. Kyiv has requested armaments from Western nations to protect itself. Germany, a natural gas-dependent country to Russia, wants to avoid the tension.

"We have taken the decision to supply Ukraine with light anti-armour defensive weapon systems," British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace told parliament on Monday, adding that the first systems had already been delivered and that a small number of British personnel would provide training for a limited time.

He didn"t say how many or what kind of weapons were being provided, but he did say: "They are not strategic weapons and pose no threat to Russia. They are to use in self-defence."

"These are short-range .... but nevertheless it would make people pause and think what they were doing and if tanks were to roll into Ukraine, invade it, then they would be part of the defence mechanism."

Britain Supplies Anti-Tank Weapons to Ukraine

Ukraine"s defence minister welcomed Wallace"s declaration.

"Ukraine really appreciates the United Kingdom"s decision to deliver a new security package that includes light, anti-armour, and defensive weapon systems!" In a tweet, Oleksii Reznikov stated.

Britain has repeatedly warned Russia of grave repercussions if it launches a fresh military offensive against Ukraine and provides funding to improve Ukraine"s naval capabilities.

The U.S. has sent FGM-148 Javelin ATGM to Ukraine for its annual military aid.

Britain Supplies Anti-Tank Weapons to Ukraine

British Army has MBT LAW and LAW 80 anti-tank missiles in its inventory. The MBT LAW is shoulder-fired and disposable. It is designed for use by infantry. It is in use with the military forces of the United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Finland, and Sweden. LAW 80 is also known as LAW 94. The Light Anti-Armour Weapon 80 is a man-portable, disposable anti-tank weapon currently used by the British Army. It is known that the UK has sent 1260 MBT LAW to Ukraine.

Britain Supplies Anti-Tank Weapons to Ukraine