Demir Farewells with Independent Defence Industry Emphasis

Demir Farewells with Independent Defence Industry Emphasis

Professor Demir shared his thoughts from his social media account. Demir said, “I have completed my duty as the President of the Defence Industry Agency, which I have been carrying out since April 12, 2014, with the goal of a fully independent defence industry for our independence and future.

First, I am grateful to our honourable President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who allowed us to serve our country and always led the way with his strong leadership.

I would like to thank my colleagues and all our industry stakeholders, with whom we have walked together, for our defence industry to become prominent today.

The target is a fully independent defence industry. In line with this goal, I wish success and convenience to our friends who will take over the flag in this vital task.

Demir's farewell statement on Twitter TurDef.png