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Iran to Retaliate Israel of Syria Strike

Iran to Retaliate Israel of Syria Strike

 Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus and killed Iranian senior commanders. Iran vows to retaliate against Israel. The Syrian defence ministry has reported that Israeli aircraft launched an attack on the Iranian consulate, originating from the occupied Golan Heights, at approximately 17:00 local time (14:00 GMT) on Monday. The Syrian air defences successfully intercepted a portion of the missiles they launched, while the remaining missiles penetrated and caused complete destruction to the building, resulting in casualties and injuries to all occupants, as stated by the ministry. Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a high-ranking officer of the Quds Force, and Brigadier General Mohammad Hadi Haji-Rahimi, his second-in-command, were identified as casualties. The Iranian Supreme National Security Council convened to deliberate on the course of action following the attack on the consulate in Damascus. No other information was given regarding the meeting. Israel has consistently aimed its attacks at military personnel affiliated with Iran, a country that provides support to armed factions engaged in conflict with Israel in Gaza and along its border with Lebanon. The U.S. has disassociated itself from the attack. White House security personnel were only notified of the attack while it was happening and were not advised that a diplomatic building was the specific target. The assault on the embassy is considered an Israeli act of escalation since diplomatic facilities are expected to be granted diplomatic immunity.