New Term New Relations in Niger

New Term New Relations in Niger

Niger abolished the military agreement with the U.S., and presidents of the alliance of Sahel states congratulated Vladimir Putin for winning the elections. Niger cancelled on March 16 the military agreement with the U.S. Niger announced that it terminated the military cooperation agreement with the U.S. “with immediate effect”. The U.S. has a UAV base called “Niger Air Base 201” at the southern tip of the Sahara Desert and approximately 1000 U.S. soldiers in Niger. Following the decision, Sahel states Presidents General Abdourahamane Tiani of Niger and Colonel Assimi Goïta of Mali sent their congratulations to Vladimir Putin on his re-election and wished him great success. On the other hand, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said that a U.S. delegation met with Nigerien officials. According to Singh’s statements, the U.S. wants to protect the status of U.S. forces in the country and said, “We are working through diplomatic channels to seek clarification.” On July 26, Niger’s military removed democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum from office and replaced him with Gen. Abdourahamane Tchiani, who served as the commander of the Nigerien presidential guard. The group cut ties with France immediately and deported French soldiers despite President Emmanual Macron’s reluctance.