Putin Warns about the Use of TB2s in Donbass

Putin Warns about the Use of TB2s in Donbass

Putin recalled that the Ukrainian authorities decided to use the armed forces to resolve the conflict in Donbas. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) “Bayraktar” by the Ukrainian authorities violates the Minsk agreements (Minsk-2), Putin said and added, “Now the incumbent president cheerfully reports that they are using Bayraktars, that is, unmanned aerial vehicles. This is aviation, unmanned, but this is used in the conflict zone, which the Minsk and subsequent agreements strictly prohibit. But no one even reacts to this, and in the US, they generally supported it in practice. Europe said something indistinct on this score, and the United States generally supported it. And officials in Ukraine say directly: we have used and will continue to apply.

Putin Warns about the Use of TB2s in Donbass

In parallel with this, unscheduled exercises were organized in the Black Sea. It seems that we are simply not allowed to relax. Well, let them know that we are not relaxing.”