Saudi Arabia – Qatar Relations Back to Normalisation

Saudi Arabia – Qatar Relations Back to Normalisation

Qatari Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani greeted Crown Prince Mohammed upon his arrival. The visit came after Saudi Arabia took moves to settle the diplomatic crisis that had gravely damaged the Gulf states" long-standing relationship.

Prince Mohammed and Emir Sheikh Tamim met to address regional and international concerns, as well as bilateral prospects in the political, military, security, economic, commercial, investment, industrial, cultural, sports, environment, energy, and infrastructure sectors.

Qatari Amir and Saudi crown prince co-chaired the 6th Saudi-Qatari Coordination Council meeting and expressed satisfaction with "what was achieved throughout the session," according to a joint statement issued following the crown prince"s visit.

Saudi Arabia – Qatar Relations Back to Normalisation

Following the UAE and Oman, Qatar was the crown prince"s fourth stop on his Gulf trip. His whirlwind journey will also take him to Bahrain and Kuwait.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Egypt cut off all diplomatic relations with Qatar in June 2017 with the claim of supporting terrorist organisations. They started to impose an economic embargo. While Qatar denied the accusations, the crisis broke out in the Gulf region. Following the efforts to resolve the crisis, it was decided at the 41st Gulf Cooperation Council Summit in Saudi Arabia on January 5 that the embargo imposed on Qatar would be lifted and diplomatic relations would be resumed.

Since then, Riyadh and Cairo have appointed new ambassadors to Doha. Abu Dhabi and Manama have yet to follow suit. Qatar also re-established trade and travel links with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt, but not Bahrain.