TEI, İŞBİR and ASPİLSAN Top Managements Renewed

TEI, İŞBİR and ASPİLSAN Top Managements Renewed

While Professor Fahrettin Öztürk was elected as the Chairman of the Board of TUSAŞ Engine Industries (TEI), İsmail Sami Özdemir, Aybike Molbay, Zekeriya Coştu, Mesude Kılınç, Professor Metin Salamcı and Daniel Patric Waugh were appointed as board members. On the other hand, Professor Mahmut Faruk Akşit continues to serve as the company's general manager.

On the other hand, Professor Nurettin Acır was appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of İŞBİR. While Burhan Özgür, the former general manager of the company, was appointed as a board member together with Mesut Eray, Professor İbrahim Kılıçaslan was appointed as İŞBİR General Manager.

At ASPİLSAN, Dr Ebubekir Koç was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors. Professor Ebru Menşur, Ferhat Özsoy, Ali Zeki Saruhan and Dr Mehmet Nurullah Ateş became board of directors members. The current Chairman of the board, Associate Professor Ahmet Turan Özdemir, was appointed the company's general manager.

ASELSAN, TUSAŞ, ROKETSAN, HAVELSAN, İŞBİR, and ASPİLSAN continue their activities under the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation (TAFF). 

Soon, the boards of directors of other foundation companies will meet with a similar agenda.