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Turkish Indigenous Fighter Project Gets A New Step

Turkish Indigenous Fighter Project Gets A New Step

Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) got its building to develop Indigenous Fighter (TF-X) with the ceremony that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended. The facility will be home to the engineering process.

President Erdoğan made the opening remarks of the facility and declared that they would continue to invest in the Turkish Defence Industry at all costs. Erdoğan underlined that they want to roll-out the TF-X in 2023 and have the maiden flight as soon as possible.

TUSAŞ CEO Temel Kotil stated that they would cooperate with all subcontractors and 3 thousand employees to realise TF-X. He said that they made an investment of 700 million $ in the last five years. The company has offices in Malaysia, Pakistan, Germany, and France.

It is declared that the facility is designed according to the needs of engineers and it is 65 000 meters square large.

Defence Minister Hulusi Akar, President of Defence Industries Professor Ismail Demir, Chief of General Staff Yaşar Güler, Force commanders,TUSAŞ CEO Kotil attended the ceremony.