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TUSAŞ Invests in Digital Analyse Technology to Save Time

TUSAŞ Invests in Digital Analyse Technology to Save Time

Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) has added a new capacity to its infrastructure investments in information technologies to perform the analyses needed in the projects with computers. The company had 20,000 core processors in the past and has invested in 50,000 core processors. Aiming to save time in tests and analyses with a capacity of 70 thousand cores, the company will analyse alternative test scenarios for the aircraft it has developed. Thanks to the new investment, TUSAŞ will reduce the time of thousands of interconnected calculations by 1 in 4. Thus, it will contribute to the shortening of the project schedules of the indigenous aircraft. 

The duration of the tests carried out in all product groups, especially the Turkish TF-X programme, will be shortened. With the new investment, technical staff for the computer operation and engineers who will analyse the data will be recruited to the company.

TUSAŞ Invests in Digital Analyse Technology to Save Time

Professor Temel Kotil, General Manager of TUSAŞ, said, "Digital tests are gradually replacing physical tests. To carry out these tests, which number up to millions, and to analyse the data, with the great support of our state, the investments that will enable us to realise our projects that will carry our country to the next level in the field of aviation continue. With this investment, we hope to get our aircraft into the air in less time than the 2023 vision targets. We will continue to bring all of the world"s new generation aviation technologies to our company. "