Ukraine Imposed Martial Law

Ukraine Imposed Martial Law

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky stated in the decree of No. 64/2022 that Martial law had been imposed from 05:30 on February 24, 2022, for a period of 30 days. On the morning of February 24, Russia attacked Ukraine and launched a war.

According to the decree, the military command, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, other executive bodies and local self-government bodies, must ensure the measures and powers provided by the Law of Ukraine “On Legal Regime of Martial Law” necessary to ensure Ukraine’s defence, public safety, and state interests.In connection with the imposition of martial law in Ukraine, the constitutional rights and freedoms of person and citizen provided for in Articles 30-34, 38, 39, 41-44, 53 of the Constitution of Ukraine may be temporarily restricted, as well as temporary restrictions on the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities may be introduced.In particular, Russian troops fired missiles at airfields in Boryspil, Ozerne, Kulbakine, Chuhuiv, Kramatorsk, Chornobayivka, and military facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.