World Assisting Turkiye After Earthquakes

World Assisting Turkiye After Earthquakes

NATO Allies and partners are deploying assistance to Turkiye after the devastating earthquakes. The assistance will include Search and Rescue (SAR) teams with dogs, firefighters, structural engineering teams, seismic experts, medical personnel and supplies.

World Assisting Turkiye After Earthquakes

Within the scope of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism EU Civil Protection, 23 countries, twenty of which are EU members, proposed 29 search and rescue teams and five medical teams. Within the mechanism’s scope, 1485 rescue workers and 100 search dogs were sent to Turkiye.

Many countries responded to Turkiye’s call for international assistance by shipping personnel and humanitarian aid with military cargo planes and ships.

C-130, A400M and CN235 type military transport aircraft of the Turkish Air Force are flying non-stop to earthquake zones. While the runway of Hatay Airport was damaged, it was closed to flights; Aids are being despatched to Adana Şakirpaşa Airport, Incirlik Air Base and Gaziantep Airports.

Amongst those sending aid to Turkiye, the following countries stand out at first:

World Assisting Turkiye After EarthquakesMore than 400 SAR personnel from Azerbaijan were transferred to Turkiye with the Il-76 Cargo Aircraft. On the other hand, in addition to personnel assistance, Azerbaijan also provided various material aid to Turkiye with civilian aircraft.

World Assisting Turkiye After Earthquakes

The USA sent its urban search-and-rescue teams. The team includes 161 members, 12 canines and 170K+ lbs of specialised equipment, and the USAID team. The USAID deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to work with Turkish authorities to identify and respond to humanitarian needs.

United Kingdom sent a SAR Team with 77 personnel with specialist equipment and dogs.

China sent a SAR team.

C-27J Spartan Military Transport Aircraft of the Bulgarian Air Force established an air bridge between Adana and Bulgaria.

Poland sent its SAR personnel and equipment to İzmir with the C-295 Military Transport Aircraft and then transferred to Adana with the C-130 aircraft belonging to the Turkish Air Force.

World Assisting Turkiye After Earthquakes

Greece sent a C-130H Military Transport Aircraft. The personnel and materials shipped with the C-130H were delivered to Incirlik.

World Assisting Turkiye After EarthquakesItaly sent a P180 Avanti Military Transport Aircraft to Incirlik. Italy then sent a C-130 Military Transport Aircraft to Turkiye.

Romania sent two military transport aircraft, 1 C-130B Hercules and 1 C-27J Spartan, carrying SAR teams. Later, another C-27J Spartan arrived.

Czechia Air Force sent its SAR by Airbus C-295 Military Transport Aircraft.

Algeria has sent a C-130 aircraft with SAR teams and aid.

Qatar sent 15 tons of blankets and 26 tons of food.

Pakistan has sent a SAR team and 15 tons of food aid per day.

Israel sent a SAR unit of 167 people and 16 tons of emergency first aid supplies to Turkiye. The Israeli team established a field hospital in Turkiye as well.

World Assisting Turkiye After Earthquakes

France sent an emergency aid team and two planes. French Air Force’s A400M and passenger plane landed in Adana İncirlik.

World Assisting Turkiye After Earthquakes

Spain dispatched Juan Carlos 1 amphibious landing craft and a logistics support ship to the port of Iskenderun. In addition to its shelter and carrying capacity, the ship stands out with its hospital.

Russia sent emergency rescue teams.

World Assisting Turkiye After Earthquakes

Kazakhstan sent two SAR teams.

Turkmenistan despatched a civilian Il-76 Transport Aircraft to Turkiye.

India sent a SAR team that includes 54 members of the Indian Army medical team.

Australia sends SAR teams.

Oman establishes air bridge for humanitarian aid

Mexico is sending its search dogs and SAR teams.

Taiwan government donates money.World Assisting Turkiye After Earthquakes

Saudi Arabia launched a public aid campaign. The collected aid has exceeded 10.000.0000 riyals.

The Republic of Korea sent its Disaster Relief Team.

World Assisting Turkiye After Earthquakes

Armenia sent a rescue team.

Mongolia sent a SAR team of 35 and medical personnel.

Georgia sent two aid teams.

National mourning was declared in Kosovo due to earthquakes.