China News

China Discovered Water on the Moon

China Discovered Water on the Moon

Chinese lunar probe Chang’E-5 discovered water on the moon according to scientific research published in “Science Advances”.

Pakistan Cancelled its T129 ATAK Order

Pakistan Cancelled its T129 ATAK Order

Turkey and Pakistan had agreed in July 2018 on the export of 30 T129 ATAK attack helicopters, but Pakistan decided not to wait any longer.

Pakistan Orders J-10 Fighters from China
Air Bilateral Relations

Pakistan Orders J-10 Fighters from China

Pakistan’s Minister of Interior, Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed, revealed that the PAF would induct at least two squadrons of J-10 fighter aircraft from China.

Myanmar Commissions Type 35B Ming-Class Submarine Received from China
Navy / Maritime

Myanmar Commissions Type 35B Ming-Class Submarine Received from China

Myanmar received a former People’s Liberation Army Navy Type 35B Ming-class submarine from China, commemorating the Myanmar Navy’s 74th anniversary.

China replaces the U.S. in the Middle East
Regional / Strategy

China replaces the U.S. in the Middle East

According to CNN International, the U.S. intelligence and satellite images show that Saudi Arabia is now developing its ballistic missiles with the assistance of China. The image states that the Kingdom is now actively manufacturing its own ballistic missiles with the assistance of China to restrain Iran's nuclear ambitions, the Saudis' main regional rival.

Morocco Received Chinese FD-2000B Air Defence Systems
Weapon / Missile

Morocco Received Chinese FD-2000B Air Defence Systems

Morocco Royal Armed Forces (FAR) received the first batteries of Chinese-made FD-2000B surface-to-air (SAM) defence missile systems.

China unveiles improved Naval Version of J-15 fighter Jets

China unveiles improved Naval Version of J-15 fighter Jets

China recently showcased an improved version of the J-15 ship-borne fighter jet, which has recently completed test flights.

Malian Army Receives Newest Chinese Mine-Resistant 6×6 Vehicles

Malian Army Receives Newest Chinese Mine-Resistant 6×6 Vehicles

China delivered 6×6 mine-resistant armoured vehicles to the Malian Army with a handover ceremony at the garrison base of Kati.

Chinese CM-302 Anti-Ship Missile on Pakistani Type 054A/P
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

Chinese CM-302 Anti-Ship Missile on Pakistani Type 054A/P

New close-up images of the Pakistan Navy’s (PN) new Type 054A/P frigate, PNS Tughril, indicate that the new warship might be equipped with the CM-302 (ASCM).

First Batch of Chinese VT5 Light Tanks to Bangladesh

First Batch of Chinese VT5 Light Tanks to Bangladesh

Chinese VT5 light tanks were handed to the Bangladeshi army on November 24, 2021, according to a photograph posted on Twitter by Ha Gao.

Russia and China chart a course for closer military co-operation
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Russia and China chart a course for closer military co-operation

Russia’s defence minister signed a road map for greater military relations with China, citing US strategic bomber missions near both nations’ borders.

Pakistan's Navy Inaugurates Chinese-Built Frigate
Navy / Maritime

Pakistan's Navy Inaugurates Chinese-Built Frigate

According to an official statement, Pakistan's navy inducted the first of the four Tughril-class guided-missile frigates built by China into its fleet.

Taiwan Claims Chinese Incursion with 16 Aircraft
Bilateral Relations

Taiwan Claims Chinese Incursion with 16 Aircraft

Taiwan's Ministry of Defence announced on Sunday that 16 Chinese fighter planes had entered the country's Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) the day before.

China’s Twin-Seat Stealth Aircraft Revealed

China’s Twin-Seat Stealth Aircraft Revealed

Andreas Rupprecht, a military aviation specialist in China, published the first images of the aircraft.