Bilateral Relations News

The U.K. Announced New ASRAAM Missile Aid For Ukraine
Air Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

The U.K. Announced New ASRAAM Missile Aid For Ukraine

British Defence Ministry announced that new aid for Ukrainian air defence, including 200 AIM-132 ASRAAM IIR-guided missiles, will begin.

Russia Warns Japan For the Patriot AD System Sale
Bilateral Relations Weapon / Missile

Russia Warns Japan For the Patriot AD System Sale

Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova warned Japan that providing the U.S. with Patriot air defence systems can lead to ‘consequences’.

Japan Set to Export “Patriot” to U.S.
Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations

Japan Set to Export “Patriot” to U.S.

Japan has loosened its arms export rules to deliver locally manufactured missiles and artillery to countries like the United States.

U.S. Approves $1 Billion Saudi Blanket Order
Bilateral Relations

U.S. Approves $1 Billion Saudi Blanket Order

The U.S. approves a $1 billion FMS covering diverse training programs for Saudi Arabian military forces, including flight and technical training.

France is Officially Out of Niger As Last Troops Leaves
Bilateral Relations Country

France is Officially Out of Niger As Last Troops Leaves

The last French troops deployed in Niger left the country on Friday. This farewell ended French existence in the third country in the Sahel region.

China and Russia Conduct Joint MPA Near Japan
Navy / Maritime Air Bilateral Relations

China and Russia Conduct Joint MPA Near Japan

China and Russia conducted their joint strategic maritime air patrol near Japan for the second time in 2023.

Turkiye and Hungary Deepen Relations with Gidran
Land Investment Bilateral Relations

Turkiye and Hungary Deepen Relations with Gidran

Turkish-Hungarian relations will be strengthened with the partnership established by companies in the defence industry of the two countries.

Niger Announces Withdrawal of French Troops in Three Days
Bilateral Relations

Niger Announces Withdrawal of French Troops in Three Days

Niger's military regime led by General Abdourahamane Tiani declared the withdrawal of all French troops by December 22.

U.S. Approves UH-60M Black Hawk $1.95B FMS to Greece
Air Bilateral Relations Engine and Transmission

U.S. Approves UH-60M Black Hawk $1.95B FMS to Greece

The State Department greenlights a $1.95B deal for Greece to acquire 35 UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters.

Greek-British Meeting Cancelled
Bilateral Relations

Greek-British Meeting Cancelled

Greece and the UK's planned Prime Minister’s meeting has been cancelled. Greek Premier tweeted that it was the decision of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Sweden and Brazil Deepen Aviation Cooperation
Air Bilateral Relations

Sweden and Brazil Deepen Aviation Cooperation

The Brazilian and Swedish governments negotiated the procurement of the F-39 Gripen fighter jet and the KC-390 Millennium multirole transport aircraft.

UK and Turkiye to Deepen Relations
Bilateral Relations

UK and Turkiye to Deepen Relations

Turkish and UK Defence Ministers signed a letter of intent for a closer defence relationship between the two nations.

British Defence Minister Visits Turkish Counterpart
Bilateral Relations Air

British Defence Minister Visits Turkish Counterpart

UK Secretary of State for Defence Grant Shapps pays an official visit to his Turkish counterpart Yaşar Güler.

Güler: We are Planning to Buy a Typhoon Fighter Jet
Air Bilateral Relations

Güler: We are Planning to Buy a Typhoon Fighter Jet

Defence Minister Yaşar Güler announced they plan to purchase 40 Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets from the United Kingdom and Spain.