Country News

Defence Industry’s New Target: Embargos
Investment Country Defence Politics Modernisation

Defence Industry’s New Target: Embargos

The Defence Industry Executive Committee, chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, discussed new military systems for its armed forces.

“Call of Duty” from ASELSAN
Investment Country

“Call of Duty” from ASELSAN

ASELSAN starts the “Back to Turkey program. It is renamed “Next Big Move to Türkiye” in 2020. The plan targets to reach Turkish talents who work abroad.

ASELSAN Reached the Highest Revenue and Profitability of All Time
Investment Country

ASELSAN Reached the Highest Revenue and Profitability of All Time

ASELSAN's 2020 year-end financial results were announced. The revenues increased by 24 per cent compared to the previous year and exceeded 16 Billion TL.

ASELSAN on Health Mission
Investment Country

ASELSAN on Health Mission

Turkish defence giant ASELSAN unveiled its capacity in the health sector.

Ukraine Supports Sapsan Programme
Weapon / Missile Investment Country Modernisation

Ukraine Supports Sapsan Programme

According to the ministry's press service, the Ukrainian Defence Ministry will finance the Sapsan missile system's creation this year.

100 Thousand ATOM 35mm Air Burst Ammunition Electronics Produced
Land Navy / Maritime Air Ammunition Logistics Country Modernisation

100 Thousand ATOM 35mm Air Burst Ammunition Electronics Produced

ASELSAN produces ATOM 35 mm Air Burst Ammunition within the 35 mm Air Defence System Modernisation and Particle Ammunition Supply.

Siper Will be Vertically Launched
Air Weapon / Missile Investment Country Regional / Strategy Modernisation

Siper Will be Vertically Launched

President of SSB, Demir, gave details about Turkish air defence systems. Demir said that Siper will be vertically launched, and have ARH + IIR.

Ukraine Seeks Foreign Partner for An-74 Aircraft Plant
Air Investment Country Modernisation

Ukraine Seeks Foreign Partner for An-74 Aircraft Plant

Ukrainian state concern UkrOboronProm published a proposal statement to find an international partner to revive its Kharkiv State Aviation Manufacturing Company (KSAMC). The plant manufactures An-74 aircraft and has 20 planes to complete production.

Rolls-Royce Announces Biggest Engine Testbed
Air Investment Country

Rolls-Royce Announces Biggest Engine Testbed

Rolls-Royce announced that the company have completed the first engine run on Testbed 80, which will be the largest and smartest indoor aerospace testbed in the world when it is officially opened in the coming months.

Russia Builds Last Project 22160 Ship for Black Sea Fleet
Navy / Maritime Country Regional / Strategy

Russia Builds Last Project 22160 Ship for Black Sea Fleet

Chief of the Russian Navy General Staff Alexander Vitko said that two more Project 22160 ships will be built for the Black Sea Fleet.

Avril Haines Becomes Biden’s DNI
Country Bilateral Relations Defence Politics

Avril Haines Becomes Biden’s DNI

Avril Haines is confirmed to lead 18 intelligence agencies and units, including the CIA and NSA. She is the first Jewish person to take this position.

Israeli IAI signs cooperation agreement with Albania's Luarasi University
Cyber Warfare Country Bilateral Relations

Israeli IAI signs cooperation agreement with Albania's Luarasi University

Israel and Albania cooperate for future Cyber Warfare.