Navy / Maritime News

Royal Navy Receives New Autonomous Vessel
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems

Royal Navy Receives New Autonomous Vessel

The Royal Navy received a new autonomous vessel NavyX into its service. The project is named Madfox (Maritime Demonstrator For Operational eXperimentation).

Russia’s Iron Fist at Arctic Circle
Land Navy / Maritime Air Regional / Strategy

Russia’s Iron Fist at Arctic Circle

Russia has shown its interest in the Northern Pole and demonstrated its power by preparing the “Umka-2021” Arctic expedition.

Damen proposes SIGMA 11515 to the Greek Navy
Navy / Maritime Modernisation

Damen proposes SIGMA 11515 to the Greek Navy

According to Naval News, the Greek Navy received its seventh proposal from Damen Shipyard. Damen offers Greece a SIGMA 11515 frigate.

One year delay for Barbaros Class
Navy / Maritime Modernisation

One year delay for Barbaros Class

Barbaros Class Frigate Half-Life Modernization Project will be delayed. The SSB pursues the project to meet the Turkish Naval Force’s requirements.

Pirireis Submarine Might be Delivered to the Navy in 2021
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems

Pirireis Submarine Might be Delivered to the Navy in 2021

Alper Köse, Head of the Naval Platforms Department at the SSB, provided information about the LHD programme.

İşbir completed MİLGEM Generator FAT
Navy / Maritime

İşbir completed MİLGEM Generator FAT

İşbir Elektrik, an Affiliated company of the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation has passed a new stage at Pakistan's Milgem project.

TCG PİRİREİS back to Sea
Navy / Maritime

TCG PİRİREİS back to Sea

TCG PİRİREİS (S-330), the first submarine built in Gölcük Shipyard within the scope of the New Type Submarine Project (YTDP), returned to the sea.

Turkish Penguin’s Engine Seen in Tests
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

Turkish Penguin’s Engine Seen in Tests

The TEI-TJ300 Turbojet Engine, developed by TEI, was seen in the tests. The engine will power the Medium-Range Anti-Ship Missile known as the Turkish “Penguin”.

Şimşek Era in the Blue Homeland
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems

Şimşek Era in the Blue Homeland

TUSAŞ announced that the target drone Şimşek was used on Turkish Vessels in the Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan) 21 naval drill conducted recently.

Greek Defence Minister Points out to the Turkish Navy
Navy / Maritime Air Bilateral Relations

Greek Defence Minister Points out to the Turkish Navy

The Greek Minister of Defence Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos participated, Wednesday 17 March, as a keynote speaker in the online event on “Greece’s defence shield as a pillar of stability and development”, organized by the AHEPA. AHEPA is a Greek American civil society organization.

Spanish Frigate in the Black Sea for NATO Mission
Navy / Maritime Regional / Strategy

Spanish Frigate in the Black Sea for NATO Mission

The 'Méndez Núñez', the command ship of the NATO Permanent Maritime Group number 2 (SNMG-2), entered the Black Sea with maritime surveillance missions.

India Commissions Nuclear Surveillance Ship
Navy / Maritime Sensors

India Commissions Nuclear Surveillance Ship

According to India based The Economic Times, India has commissioned its secretive nuclear missile tracking vessel.

Qatar Shows Interest into Ulaq
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems

Qatar Shows Interest into Ulaq

Turkish Ares Shipyard attends at MilipolQatar exhibition in Doha.

MilipolQatar Opens Doors
Land Navy / Maritime

MilipolQatar Opens Doors

MilipolQatar exhibition that focuses on homeland security, intelligence and border patrol opened its doors.