TCG PİRİREİS back to Sea

TCG PİRİREİS back to Sea

The Reis class submarine met with the sea in December 2019. After works carried out, the submarine was taken back to the dry dock. New Type Submarine Project (YTDP) is an Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) type submarine based on a German U-214 submarine.

German ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) designed by the submarine, but Turkey added design alterations and domestic contribution to the vessel. Turkey will build six submarines until 2027. The Hellenic Navy has a similar submarine known as Papanikolis class.

TCG PİRİREİS Submarine is expected to be included in the Naval Forces Command inventory in 2022, following testing and equipment activities.

HAVELSAN, ASELSAN, AYESAŞ, STM, KOÇSavunma, TÜBİTAK and MilSoft have cooperated within the scope of the project.

TCG PİRİREİS back to Sea