Space News

Kremlin Dismisses U.S. Concerns About Nuclear Capability in Space
Space Homeland Security

Kremlin Dismisses U.S. Concerns About Nuclear Capability in Space

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed a warning by the U.S. about new Russian nuclear capabilities in space on Thursday.

İkinci: Roketsan Invests in Serial Production
Space Expo and Air Show Weapon / Missile Investment

İkinci: Roketsan Invests in Serial Production

Roketsan General Manager Murat İkinci stated that serial production contracts are coming gradually, and serial production has already started.

Experiment on Halophyte Plant Paves Way For Space Farming

Experiment on Halophyte Plant Paves Way For Space Farming

Turkish Astronaut Alper Gezeravcı’s experiment with the Schrenkiella Parvula plant from "Tuz Gölü" opens the possibility of extraterrestrial farming.

Turkish Experiment Aims to be a Milestone in Future Space Exploration

Turkish Experiment Aims to be a Milestone in Future Space Exploration

One of Turkish astronaut’s experiments, ALGALSPACE, aims to bring a new milestone in space exploration originating from the discovery of Antarctica.

China Discovers UFO or SpaceX Space Shuttle

China Discovers UFO or SpaceX Space Shuttle

Chinese people claimed to have seen a UFO over Beijing, but an astronomer says it could have been a SpaceX rocket.

Turkish Astronaut Gezeravcı to Conduct 13 Experiments in Space

Turkish Astronaut Gezeravcı to Conduct 13 Experiments in Space

Turkish Austroanout Alper Gezeravcı will be the first Turkish citizen in space with Ax-3 Mission Launch. He will conduct 13 experiments in space.

Japan Launches a New Intelligence Satellite
Space Sensors

Japan Launches a New Intelligence Satellite

Japan’s intelligence satellite IGS Optical 8, launched on the 12th of January, is intended to monitor North Korea’s military activity.

NASA Delays a Year First Crewed U.S. Moon Landing

NASA Delays a Year First Crewed U.S. Moon Landing

The second and third missions in the space agency’s Artemis programme, which aims to return Americans to the moon, were each about a year delayed.

Japanese iQPS Satellite Startup to Expand Production
Space Sensors

Japanese iQPS Satellite Startup to Expand Production

After trading its shares, iQPS, which specialises in SAR satellites, will expand production capacity with the raised money.

Two New Names at TUSAŞ Vice Presidencies
Air Unmanned Systems Space

Two New Names at TUSAŞ Vice Presidencies

Two positions were replaced by new ones at Turkish Aerospace. One of these missions is closely related to ANKA-3.

U.S. Tests Military Version of Elon Musk’s ‘Starlink’
Communication Space

U.S. Tests Military Version of Elon Musk’s ‘Starlink’

The U.S. Army has announced the successful trial of a military version of Elon Musk’s “Starlink” communications network.

Roketsan Becomes IAF Member

Roketsan Becomes IAF Member

Roketsan became a member of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), with over 500 members from 75 countries.

Pentagon Launches New Website for Anomalies
Space Homeland Security Air

Pentagon Launches New Website for Anomalies

The Pentagon launched the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) website to inform the public of unidentified anomalous phenomena.

Russia Launches the Soyuz 2, aiming Moon’s South Pole

Russia Launches the Soyuz 2, aiming Moon’s South Pole

The Russian space agency Roscosmos has launched its Soyuz-2 FREGAT for the first mission to the Moon since 1976 by sending the Lunar Lander, aka Luna-25.