IGG News

Meteksan Presents its  Electronic Warfare capacity at IDEX
E/W Expo and Air Show

Meteksan Presents its Electronic Warfare capacity at IDEX

Meteksan presents its Electronic Warfare capacity at IDEX. The company’s two products were exhibited at International Golden Group (IGG) booths.

ASELSAN’s Gökdeniz is presented at IDEX
Weapon / Missile Expo and Air Show

ASELSAN’s Gökdeniz is presented at IDEX

Turkish defence company ASELSAN presents its Gökdeniz Close-in Weapon System (CIWS) at IDEX. The company’s CIWS takes place at the International Golden Group’s (IGG) ASELSANGGI booth.

 HAVELSAN Presents Baha and Barkan at IDEX
Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Unmanned Systems Expo and Air Show

HAVELSAN Presents Baha and Barkan at IDEX

The IDEX and NAVDEX defence expos started in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). More than 50 Turkish defence companies are exhibiting their products at the expos.