Mojave News

FIA2024: General Atomics Displays EMALS for UAVs
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems Expo and Air Show

FIA2024: General Atomics Displays EMALS for UAVs

General Atomics Electromagnetics is displaying its electromagnetic launch systems (EMALS) compatible with UAVs at FIA2024 organised in the U.K.

General Atomics’ Mojave UAV for CAS Missions
Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems

General Atomics’ Mojave UAV for CAS Missions

General Atomics said it tested Mojave UAV with two Dillon Aero DAP-6 machine guns. The Mojave passes another milestone for Close Air Support (CAS) missions.

China to Build the Fourth Aircraft Carrier
Navy / Maritime

China to Build the Fourth Aircraft Carrier

China's PLA Navy political commissar Yuan Huazhi announced the development of the fourth aircraft carrier after Type 003 Fujian.

The U.S. Army Cancels FARA Helicopter Programme

The U.S. Army Cancels FARA Helicopter Programme

Due to budget constraints and changes in the battlefield, the U.S. Army has cancelled the future attack-reconnaissance helicopter programme FARA.

Portuguese Navy to Sign Deal for Multifunctional Naval Platform
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems

Portuguese Navy to Sign Deal for Multifunctional Naval Platform

Portuguese Navy announced that the deal for constructing the Multi-Purpose Naval Platform under the Recovery and Resilience Program will be signed.

Mojave UCAV Performs STOL from Ship
Unmanned Systems Navy / Maritime

Mojave UCAV Performs STOL from Ship

General Atomics’ Mojave UCAV performed its first landing and take-off onboard Royal Navy’s HMS Prince of Wales.

Royal Navy Tests Operating Fixed-Wing UAVs From Ships
Unmanned Systems Navy / Maritime

Royal Navy Tests Operating Fixed-Wing UAVs From Ships

Royal Navy has recently tested a fixed-wing UAV’s capability to land and take off from the deck of a British aircraft carrier.

GA-ASI’s Mojave Completes Dirt-Strip Demos
Unmanned Systems

GA-ASI’s Mojave Completes Dirt-Strip Demos

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc (GA-ASI) completed take-offs and landings with its Mojave UAV on a dirt strip near El Mirage, California.

UK to Deploy Mojave UAV on Aircraft Carriers
Air Unmanned Systems

UK to Deploy Mojave UAV on Aircraft Carriers

Royal Navy plans to deploy Mojave STOL UAV on HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales aircraft carriers.

GA Announces Mojave UAS for Operations at Remote Areas
Air Unmanned Systems

GA Announces Mojave UAS for Operations at Remote Areas

General Atomics (GA-ASI) has offered the first official details about a new unmanned aircraft, the Mojave, which is a derivative of the MQ-1C Gray Eagle.