Su-30 News

Indonesia is Near Purchasing F-15D fighter

Indonesia is Near Purchasing F-15D fighter

Indonesia's defence minister Prabowo Subianto met U.S. Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin in Jakarta and said that the F-15D fighter jets acquisition project is awaiting final sign-off after his meeting.

Malaysia and India Attend Air Combat Exercises Shakti 2022
Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

Malaysia and India Attend Air Combat Exercises Shakti 2022

The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF/TUDM) and the Indian Air Force (IAF) is currently conducting the first six-day joint air exercise, Vayu Shakti 2022. The drill was held in the Malaysian state of Kuantan airspace and its surroundings on 12-17 August. The Vayu Shakti is held at the Pokhran range every three years. The last event took place in 2019.

Ukraine Shot Downs two Russian Su-30 SM Fighter Jets

Ukraine Shot Downs two Russian Su-30 SM Fighter Jets

According to the Ukrainian Defence Ministry, on Wednesday evening, Ukrainian air defence systems shot down two Russian Su-30SM aircraft.