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DASAL and IGG signs an MoU at IDEX2023

DASAL and IGG signs an MoU at IDEX2023

DASAL Aerospace Technologies and International Golden Group (IGG) signed a Memorandum of Understanding during the IDEX2023 defence industry fair held in Abu Dhabi between 20-24 February.

DASAL Aerospace Technologies General Manager Burak Mercan and International Golden Group CEO Fadel Al Kaabi signed the memorandum, which aims to strengthen the relationship by collaborating in potential areas of cooperation. This agreement will support the companies’ activities in the defence industry.DASAL and IGG signs an MoU at IDEX2023Established in 2002 with headquarters in Abu Dhabi, International Golden Group (IGG) specialises in providing defence and security solutions. IGG aims to develop partnerships in the defence field by conducting long-term collaborations with local and international business partners.DASAL Aerospace Technologies, a subsidiary of ASELSAN and ALTINAY Defence, has been developing single and multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles since 2019 for Turkish defence and security units and various stakeholders in the public and private sectors and abroad.DASAL and IGG signs an MoU at IDEX2023