FNSS’ MAV Towards Final Tests

FNSS’ MAV Towards Final Tests

Professor (SSB) Ismail Demir, President of Defence Industries, said that FNSS's Marine Assault Vehicle (MAV/ZAHA) had completed mine and ballistic testing. It is currently at driving and cruising reliability and qualification tests.

SSB President Demir shared a video on his social media account and informed that FNSS’ MAV is tested.

These vehicles are released from landing helicopter docks (LHD) during the beach landing phase of an amphibious operation. They can rapidly cover the distance between the vessel and shore, allowing marine forces to land under armour protection. They may operate with other armoured vehicles while on land. The MAV"s firepower is owed to its remote-controlled turret, which has a 12.7 mm MG and a 40 mm AGL.

FNSS’ MAV Towards Final Tests

Armoured amphibious assault vehicles, designed to enable dual operations based on their mission needs, must have exceptional capabilities both at sea and on land. The MAV is highly mobile in the water with a speed of 7 knots and on land with a maximum speed of 70 km/h due to its unique hull design and strong water jets.