FNSS Will Unveil Its New Vehicle at IDEF

FNSS Will Unveil Its New Vehicle at IDEF

IDEF will inaugurate on July 25th with the attendance of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. There will be limited access that day to the expo. FNSS will unveil its product the following day, the 26th. 
FNSS has not shared any information about the product. The company has various products ranging from tracked armoured vehicles such as KAPLAN-MT to unmanned ground vehicle Shadow Rider, combat support and specialist vehicles such as amphibious armoured combat earthmover to wheeled armoured vehicles PARS SCOUT 6X6 SPV.
The image gives the impression of a 6X6 wheeled armoured vehicle due to its dimensions; however, it is unknown whether the invitation is a photo of the actual vehicle or an image representing the ceremony.