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Hellenic Navy’s Dilemma for Constellation Class Frigates

Hellenic Navy’s Dilemma for Constellation Class Frigates

Greek publication Flash claimed that the Hellenic Navy plans to acquire Constellation Class (FFG-62) frigates from the U.S. by passing the Corvette Acquisition programme. 

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Greek sectoral publication Defence Review heavily criticises such claims. The Flash claimed that the frigates would cost the same but would be more capable and constructed in Greece. The Review stated that it is improper to show the cost lower even though the cost per ship will be around 1.3 – 1.4 billion euros per unit with weapons and technical support. The publication portrays the U.S. Department of Defence’s Defence Review, Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Estimates, Justification Book, Shipbuilding and Conversion, and indicates that based on updated data, the cost for each Constellation class frigate amounts to $1 billion no weapons and no technical support program.

The Review says, “The Navy is not interested in the Constellations at this time and remains focused on acquiring new corvettes and modernising the MEKO 200 HN frigates. In the medium term, the P.N. wishes to acquire the euro-corvettes within the framework of the European Patrol Corvette program.”

The publication also asks how it is possible to discuss ships that the U.S. Navy has not even commissioned. They are still under construction. It is noted that the delivery to the U.S. Navy for the first ship is planned for 2026.