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Otokar Showcases COBRA II and AKREP II at DSA in Malaysia

Otokar Showcases COBRA II and AKREP II at DSA in Malaysia

Otokar participates in DSA 2024 to display its COBRA II and AKREP II armoured vehicles in the Asia-Pacific region. Otokar will also introduce its own design and production of an armoured military vehicle family, including its turret systems, as well as its capabilities in the field of land systems.  As a listed NATO and United Nations supplier, Otokar stands out with its defence industry products, including 4x4, 6x6, and 8x8 tactical wheeled armoured vehicles, tracked armoured vehicles, unmanned armoured vehicles, and turret systems, using its own technology, design, and applications.  Having more than 33,000 military vehicles in service in more than 40 countries on five continents, Otokar reflects its experience in different geographies worldwide in its vehicle development activities. The company analyses its users’ different needs and expectations, simulates these requirements in-house, and develops solutions that meet them thanks to its R&D, engineering, and testing. In the last year, the R&D spending corresponded to 4 per cent of Otokar’s revenue. During DSA, one of the most important fairs in the region, Otokar aims to meet its current users and develop partnerships with potential users to increase its presence in the Asia-Pacific region. DSA is also important for Otokar in creating local value-added operations in the region and establishing industrial cooperation opportunities. 

COBRA II offers protection against ballistic, mine, and IED threats. Many armies worldwide operate the vehicle.  These vehicles can be transformed into a personnel carrier, anti-tank weapons platform, Reconnaissance and surveillance vehicle, CBRN reconnaissance vehicle, command control vehicle, recovery vehicle, or medical evacuation vehicle.  AKREP II, built on Otokar’s initial AKREP, which was developed in the 1990s, is designed as an armoured reconnaissance and surveillance vehicle and a large calibre weapon platform. The vehicle may accommodate turrets up to 90mm cannon. The four-wheel drive system and steerable rear axle of AKREP II significantly enhance its manoeuvrability. It boasts mobility and handling capabilities in all terrains, mud, snow, or puddles. Its compact design, high level of kinetic and mine protection, and the U-type power package placed at the vehicle’s rear make AKREP II a unique platform, especially where manoeuvrability is key.