ROKETSAN Exports ATGMs to Malaysia

ROKETSAN Exports ATGMs to Malaysia

It was announced that the Malaysian Army would procure 18 units of medium-range ATGMs from Turkish ROKETSAN during DSA 2024. The Malaysian Army's procurement of ATGMs is the culmination of the Anti-Tank Guided Weapon-Medium Range (ATGW-MR) programme, a competitive process involving four countries. The contenders included France with Akeron MP, the U.S. with FGM-148 Javelin, the ROK with AT-1K Raybolt, and Turkiye, which is likely to be the source of the OMTAS ATGMs. The statement does not mention the product name. Therefore, it is assumed that it would be OMTAS. Malaysia has used SACLOS-guided Russian Metis-M and Pakistani Bakhtar Shikan, a Chinese HJ-8 ATGM variant, as its main portable ATGMs. When the contenders are inspected, a common feature, which would be IIR seekers providing fire-and-forget capability, can be observed. According to the press release from DSA 2024, the Malaysian Army will procure 18 units of OMTAS ATGM systems. These units are likely referring to launchers and missiles combined. OMTAS is a portable tube-launched ATGM with an IIR seeker for fire-and-forget capability. The missile can hit targets at ranges up to four kilometres with direct and top-attack modes. Launcher options include a tripod, FNSS UKTK remote-controlled launcher (Two missiles), and various IFV turrets (TEBER-II, MIZRAK-30…). The missile and tube have a combined weight of 35 kg. Despite primarily serving as an ATGM with a tandem HEAT warhead, OMTAS has an option for a thermobaric warhead for increased effectiveness against personnel and structures thanks to enhanced blast and thermal effect.