Photos of Brazil's Centauro II Leaks to Media

Photos of Brazil's Centauro II Leaks to Media

The Brazilian Army’s Centauro ll panzer cannon, of which 98 units were ordered from Italy, was widely circulated on social media.  Brazilian Army has chosen in November 2022 the Italian-made Centauro ll as its fire support vehicle (FSV). This vehicle eliminates the General Dynamics Land Systems LAV 700 AG from Canada and the NORINCO ST1-BR from China. The Centauro II has a crew of four, including the driver, commander, gunner, and cannon loader. Its V-shaped monocoque hull is capable of surviving mine explosions or IEDs (improvised explosive devices). The driving force is an IVECO Vector 8V Euro III diesel engine with 720 hp power, which can run at a maximum road speed of 105 km/hour with a maximum cruising distance of up to 800 km. Compared to its rivals, the Centauro ll was developed specifically as an FSV rather than using an armoured personnel carrier (APC) platform like the LAV 700 AG and ST1-BR. EB chose the same version as the Italian military version. This vehicle carries a Leonardo Hitfact MkII turret, which is armed with a 120 mm/L45 cannon as its main weapon. This weapon system provides firepower equivalent to a modern main battle tank (MBT) and is capable of firing the latest generation of 120 mm NATO ammunition, including APFSDS ( Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot ) and Multi-Purpose (MP) ammunition. It is equipped with a semi-automatic loading system with 12 ready-to-fire ammunition. Another 19 rounds of ammunition are stored in the hull in a separate crew compartment equipped with a fire suppression system. Secondary armament includes one 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and a Hitrole L remote weapons station (RCWS), which can be armed with a 7.62 mm machine gun or a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher.