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Roketsan Supports the TEKNOFEST

Roketsan Supports the TEKNOFEST

This year, rockets developed by young people will showcase their abilities at the Rocket Competition to be held at Tuz Gölü in Aksaray between September 1-12. The ranking teams will be announced at TEKNOFEST, held at Istanbul Atatürk Airport between September 21-26.

This year, the highest number of applications in the TEKNOFEST Rocket Competition was made in the “medium altitude” category with 296 teams. 223 applications were made in the high school category. While 21 teams applied for the “high altitude” category and four teams applied for the “Challenging Task” category, which was opened for the first time this year. Among the applications, 80 teams were entitled to participate in the competition, of which 13 were in the high school category, 55 were medium-altitude, 10 were high altitude, and two were on Challenging tasks. The teams that ranked high in the Rocket Competition held under the umbrella of the T3 Foundation, under the leadership of Roketsan and TÜBİTAK SAGE, will be announced at TEKNOFEST at the award ceremony to be held at Istanbul Atatürk Airport between September 21-26.

Teams will compete in four different categories

The competition consists of four categories: High-School Category (5,000 feet), Medium-Altitude Category (10,000 feet), High-Altitude Category (20,000 feet), Challenging Task Category (10,000 feet). Only high school students can participate in the Competition’s High School Category.

Teams that will compete in the challenging mission category, held for the first time this year, must have participated in a rocket competition before. In the competition, it is aimed that the rockets designed and produced by the teams reach the target altitude. The minimum four kg payload carried in the rocket is separated from the rocket by various methods. All subsystems and the payload of the rocket must be recovered in a reusable manner following the launch.