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Russia Completes Its Biggest Naval Base in The Black Sea

Russia Completes Its Biggest Naval Base in The Black Sea

Russia is completing the creation of a new naval base in the Black Sea. At the end of last year, the main stage of its construction in Novorossiysk was completed. The base can be home to 100 vessels, including submarines, at the same time.

Russian Daily Izvestia learned that the construction of the main facilities of the naval base had been completed, acceptance certificates were signed at the end of last year. All work was carried out within the framework of the federal program to create a basing system for the Black Sea Fleet in Russia. They were carried out in two directions - the construction of ground infrastructure and port facilities in the Tsemess Bay of Novorossiysk. A new mole system was created in the military harbour. The eastern and western ones were erected with a total length of 1400 and 850 m, respectively. Five harbours were built for ships.

Russia Completes Its Biggest Naval Base in The Black Sea

More than 70% of the auxiliary facilities required for the naval base have also been built. In particular, 26 buildings and structures of coastal infrastructure were built and put into operation. Among them are the improved Afalina and Gefest training complexes, a six-story building for the headquarters of a submarine formation, a hostel for personnel and a canteen for 1,000 people.

Sources in the Ministry of Defence specified that after completing the work, the naval base could receive more than 100 modern warships with a displacement of 1.5 to 30 thousand tons.

Russia Completes Its Biggest Naval Base in The Black Sea

In the last years of the USSR, the fleet was located in Sevastopol, Odesa, Poti and Batumi. After the country"s collapse, he was left with one base - in Sevastopol, which was then part of Ukraine. As a result, they also took up the reconstruction program of the naval base in Novorossiysk. Large-scale construction began after the adoption of the federal program in 2005. After the annexation of Crimea, it decelerated, but last year the volume of work performed recovered.

The Novorossiysk is not only a base but also is the largest grouping area in the Navy. It includes groups of ships to protect the water area and submarines, a coastal missile and artillery formation, military units for special purposes and support.