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UAE Receives Second Gowind Corvette

UAE Receives Second Gowind Corvette

French Naval Group delivered on June 27 a second Gowind class corvette  Al Emarat to the United Arab Emirates. Al Emarat was built in Lorient and launched in May 2022, she began sea testing in October 2023. The Al Emarat crew will continue their operational ship training in France as part of the Naval Group's service solutions. The ship will go to the UAE under the Emirati flag in July, with an estimated arrival in Abu Dhabi in August. 

These vessels are 102 meters long and 16 meters wide, with a displacement of 2,800 tonnes. Their armament includes a Strales 76mm main gun, 8 Exocet anti-ship missiles, 16 MICA family anti-aircraft missiles (future MICA NG), RAM anti-missile system, light torpedo tubes and two 30mm guns.