Russia Tests New Ice-Breaker

Russia Tests New Ice-Breaker
The third ice-breaker vessel, Ural, is built on the order of the Atomflot Company, which is part of the Rosatom state nuclear power subsidiary. The ship was built in Baltic Shipyard. The Ural is the third platform in its class. The vessel will undergo sea trials for three weeks. Experts from Atomflot and other maritime providers will check the operation of the mechanisms, equipment, reactor and steam turbine plant, electric propulsion systems, shaft lines and deck systems. Speed, manoeuvrability characteristics, and functions of general automation systems also be tested. The Ural was laid down on July 25, 2016, and launched on May 25, 2019.Russia Tests New Ice-BreakerProject 22220 nuclear-powered ice-breakers provide versatile operation capability to the user thanks to its infrastructure. The main mission of the vessels is year-long navigation in the Western Arctic Regions for polar exploration and scientific experiments. Russia, the United States of America and some other countries have raised their interest in the Arctic. New trade routes opened as global warming caused glacier meltdowns. New opportunities and untouched hydrocarbon deposits beneath the seabed make the region attractive.Russia Tests New Ice-Breaker