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Russian FPV Attacks Ukrainian AUSV

Russian FPV Attacks Ukrainian AUSV

Russia attacked the Ukrainian Armed Unmanned Surface Vessel (AUSV) using a First-Person View (FPV). The result of the attack is unknown, but it hints at the future. The Ukrainian-Russian war enlarges the front of the unmanned system. Following recent developments of intercepting each other’s unmanned systems on the ground and air, a recent engagement took place in the Black Sea. One of Russia’s weakest points is the Black Sea fleet. The Navy lost most of its Black Sea fleet during the war. AUSV engagements play an important role in keeping the fleet busy, if not ending with some damage. Russia has started to use its helicopters to patrol the area against any probable AUSV attack. The video of a machine gun mounted on the helicopter door intercepting a Ukrainian AUSV was leaked recently. The new precaution shows that Russia will use its FPVs to strike Ukrainian AUSVs. This indicates the future of naval warfare and shows that the battle of unmanned systems is seen on the ground, air and sea. Each system has unique requirements, but countries meet such necessities.