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Russian Navy Submarine fired a Kalibr missile in the Sea of Japan

Russian Navy Submarine fired a Kalibr missile in the Sea of Japan

Russian Defence Ministry announced on March 3 that the diesel-electric submarine Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky of the Russian Pacific Fleet fired a Kalibr cruise missile in the Sea of Japan. It is noted that the shooting was carried out from a submerged position. According to the Russian Defence Ministry’s statement, "Rocket firing was carried out at a coastal target simulating the firing position of a mock enemy."

Prior to the launch, the submarine secretly occupied the area designated for firing.” The training target was successfully hit on the tactical field “Surkum” in the Khabarovsk Territory.

The flight distance was more than 1 thousand km. On February 10, the Russian frigate “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov” fired artillery at a sea target in the Atlantic Ocean. A week earlier, on February 3, it became known that the ship would conduct a combat training launch of the Zircon hypersonic missile during international exercises. The Zircon missile will be used in international exercises for the first time.

Russian Navy Submarine fired a Kalibr missile in the Sea of Japan