Savronik Modernises Romania’s Maritime C2 System

Savronik Modernises Romania’s Maritime C2 System

Romania benefited from NCI Agency’s expertise to modernise the Romanian Maritime Command and Control (C2) capabilities by completing the Broadcast, Maritime Rear Link and Ship-Shore (BRASS) project. The project aims to modernise the current maritime communication system. This is done by providing High-Frequency capability, monitoring and control facilities, and increasing management flexibility and communications availability. Turkish defence company Savronik known for its expertise in electronic warfare and communication systems completed the system and passed final acceptance tests in schedule. 

The NCI Agency hosted Romanian representatives and contracting experts at NATO Headquarters in Belgium as a part of the final acceptance ceremony. NCI Agency Chief of Staff Major General Hans Folmer, Deputy for Resources of the Chief of the Romanian Naval Forces Flotilla Admiral Daniil Trică, and Savronik Group Chairman Ömer Faruk Ağa Yarman commemorated the Final System Acceptance of BRASS Romania. 

NATO Brass Savronik Faruk Yarman TurDef.jpg


Permanent Representative of Romania to NATO Ambassador Dan Neculăescu and Permanent Representative of Türkiye to NATO Ambassador Zeki Levent Gümrükçü attended the ceremony. “This is the first BRASS project managed by the NCI Agency on behalf of a Host Nation to achieve completion. This proves that the NCI Agency has expertise and knowledge to support NATO Nations by contributing to modernising their Naval Forces’ C2 capabilities,” said Major General Hans Folmer during the ceremony. Rear Admiral Trică said, “Final System Acceptance has demonstrated the commitment of the Romanian Navy to complete the BRASS project and to provide NATO with a new and operationally significant capability which can facilitate our naval forces to accomplish their missions at sea.” 

The Agency also performs as the Procurement Agency for five other NATO Nations for their BRASS projects and supports them by managing the projects on behalf of each Host Nation. Savronik is the first company to pass the final acceptance among contractor companies. Each of these projects is continuing at different phases to be completed soon. Completing BRASS will provide the Alliance with enhanced C2 Strategic competency in the Eastern flank. This will also be the case for the other five BRASS projects the NCI Agency manages. Completing these BRASS projects will increase the C2 Strategic communications in NATO.