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Second Yom Kippur War in Israel

Second Yom Kippur War in Israel

Hamas attacked Israel with rockets and ground forces from all points in the Gaza Strip. According to Israel’s Defence Ministry spokesperson, Hamas fired around 2200 rockets from the Gaza Strip and all outposts on the Gaza border changed hands. Hamas’ commander Mohammad Deif said 5,000 rockets had been launched. The attack was conducted simultaneously from the sea, the air and the land.

Images showing Israeli Air Force F-16 aircraft being transported from air bases with disassembled wings appeared on social media. However, there is no date stamp on the video.

israel f-16.jpg

Israel launched counter Operation “Iron Swords”, and Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu declares “we are at war.” An Israeli Defence Ministry spokeswoman said that the Defence Minister Yoav Gallant approved the mobilisation of reservists.

According to Israeli sources, 22 Israeli citizens were killed and hundreds injured.

The Yom Kippur War started on October 6 and lasted until October 25, 1973. The war began with the attack of Egypt and Syria as the Arab coalition jointly launched a surprise attack against Israel on the Jewish holy day, Yom Kippur.