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SSI Organizes Export Strategy Conference

SSI Organizes Export Strategy Conference
Making a speech at the opening of the ceremony, Minister Çavuşoğlu stated that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attaches special importance to defence exports and that the ministry gives place to companies in this regard, and said: "With the purchase of Armed UAV from our country, this is the first time that a NATO and EU member has added these products to their inventory. Currently, many EU and NATO member countries are interested in our products.SSB President Demir pointed out that the production and exports of the defence industry are not similar to other sectors. “Defense industry exports are not a commercial issue. It is necessary to obtain permission from various institutions of the state. That country"s relationship with us, where it will use the product, and that country"s relations with its neighbours are one of the parameters of this permit.”Demir touched upon the news abroad about STM"s Kargu II loitering munition without mentioning the name. Demir underlined that foreign news claimed them to attack autonomously.SSI Organizes Export Strategy ConferencePointing out that it is unnecessary to look for 100% local production in every product, Demir said that it does not make much sense commercially under the sub-parts of the products. He stated that products that are not strategically critical and can be commercially supplied from different sources do not have to be domestic.SSI Chairman Naki Polat stated that the Association was established ten years ago. Although the sector was established with a small number of participants, it has become the majority today.