Sweden Declares Fighting Against Terrorism

Sweden Declares Fighting Against Terrorism
Foreign Minister Linde’s declaration says;The best way for Sweden to protect its security is to join NATOSweden Declares Fighting Against Terrorism “It is the Government’s assessment that the best way for Sweden to protect its security is for Sweden to join NATO. With Sweden and Finland as NATO members, the security of all NATO countries would be strengthened.”Sweden commits to Washington Treaty"As a member of NATO, Sweden would commit to the Washington Treaty in its entirety, including NATO doctrines. NATO membership may also change the conditions for the export of defence equipment in our national regulatory framework."Sweden applies for NATO Membership hand in hand with Finland"We have taken the step to apply for NATO membership hand in hand with Finland, our closest partner. The crisis we are now experiencing has shown how close our two countries are and how interdependent our security is."Sweden will contribute to the security of NATO in the spirit of solidarity""Sweden will contribute to the security of NATO as a whole, including Turkey, in the spirit of solidarity. Our ambition is to make constructive progress on the issues that Turkey has raised. "Sweden Declares Fighting Against Terrorism A New and tougher terrorist Offences Act to enter into force"Sweden condemns terrorism in the strongest possible terms. A new and tougher Terrorist Offences Act enters into force on July 1 and the Government is preparing further tightening of terrorist legislation.There should be no doubt that Sweden will continue to stand firm alongside other like-minded countries in the fight against terrorism.Our vulnerability to external threats and attempts to influence will increase until the Accession Agreement enters into force."