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Ukrainian TB2 hit Russian boats

Ukrainian TB2 hit Russian boats
Ukrainian TB2 hit Russian boatsTurkish Naval Forces organised the Blue Homeland 2022 naval exercise on April 11. The Turkish Aerospace made Aksungur Armed UAV dropped Mini Smart Ammunition (MAM-L) to the surface target for the first time. One day after the exercise, Baykar production Akıncı displayed its new talent. The MK-82 general-purpose bomb converted to a smart bomb with Roketsan’s Teber guidance kit hit the surface target.Ukrainian TB2 hit Russian boatsTo neutralise surface targets, precise accuracy is required because falling close to the target means ineffective. Ammunition falling into the water does not neutralise the target. Two methods can be applied to overcome this problem. The first method is to use impact fuze, which requires advanced precision. The second method involves proximity fuze, which detonates near the target. Ukrainian TB2 hit Russian boatsAs the targetted boat has dimensions of 16.9 meters long and 4.1 meters beam, it is not surprising that MAM-L reaches the target with its small CEP( Circular Error Probability). As understood from the explosions seen in the videos, Roketsan’s MAM-L hits the target with impact fuze.