India News

India Commissions Nuclear Surveillance Ship
Navy / Maritime Sensors

India Commissions Nuclear Surveillance Ship

According to India based The Economic Times, India has commissioned its secretive nuclear missile tracking vessel.

Indian Navy Gets third Scorpene-Class Submarine
Navy / Maritime Regional / Strategy

Indian Navy Gets third Scorpene-Class Submarine

The Kalvari-class diesel-electric submarine INS Karanj was commissioned into the Indian Navy in Mumbai on Wednesday.

New Home for BrahMos: The Philippines
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations Modernisation

New Home for BrahMos: The Philippines

India has reached an understanding with the Philippines for exporting military equipment to the Philippines.

Brazil’s first Satelite in Space

Brazil’s first Satelite in Space

India carried Brazil’s first satellite into orbit. Brazilian earth observation satellite Amazonia-1 will serve forest protection and climate change observation.

India receives Arjun Mk-1A Tanks
Land Modernisation

India receives Arjun Mk-1A Tanks

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi handed over the indigenous main battle tank Arjun Mk-1A to the Army.

Indian Army has leased four Heron UAVs
Air Bilateral Relations Unmanned Systems

Indian Army has leased four Heron UAVs

The Times Now News has reported that the Indian Army has leased four Heron unmanned air vehicles from Israel as part of an emergency procurement program.

India to Receive S-400 This Year
Air Weapon / Missile Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

India to Receive S-400 This Year

India will receive the Russian S-400 Triumf missile air defence system before the end of 2021. Rosoboronexport told TASS during the Aero India 2021 expo.