India to Receive S-400 This Year

India to Receive S-400 This Year

India will receive the Russian S-400 air defence system before the end of 2021. The contract on shipment of the S-400 Triumf missile air defence systems to India proceeds according to the schedule, Rosoboronexport told TASS during the Aero India 2021 expo.

New Delhi stated its intention to purchase the S-400 systems in 2015. The $5.43 billion contract was signed during Vladimir Putin’s visit in India in October 2018.

India will buy five units of the S-400 air defence missile systems.

The Donald Trump administration warned India for Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act or CAATSA sanction.

"The CAATSA sanctions are not designed to be punitive to a partner and ally that has got a sustainment issue or an operation or maintenance issue. We're certainly not looking to disrupt that. Why? Well, we don't want a partner's sovereign defence capabilities to be degraded to put their readiness at risk,” Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs R Clark Cooper from former Trump administration told reporters during a conference call. He was responding to a question on the possibility of sanctions on India under CAATSA because of the purchase of S-400s from Russia.

US NATO ally Turkey is under CAATSA sanctions as it acquired same system from Russia.