biden News

Biden Approves $13.6 billion aid to Ukraine
Bilateral Relations

Biden Approves $13.6 billion aid to Ukraine

President Joe Biden signed a bill to fund the government through September and deliver $13.6 billion in aid to Ukraine. The funds for Ukraine will be used to assist refugees fleeing Russia's incursion and purchase defensive weapons and training for the country's military. Next month, Biden will travel to Brussels for a NATO leaders' summit.

The US Sends Fighters to Defend UAE Amid Houthi Attacks
Bilateral Relations

The US Sends Fighters to Defend UAE Amid Houthi Attacks

The US has announced the deployment of fighter planes to the UAE in response to missile assaults conducted by Yemen’s Houthi movement against the Gulf state.

Biden Names Qatar as a Major Non-NATO Ally
Bilateral Relations

Biden Names Qatar as a Major Non-NATO Ally

President Biden assured Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, that he would soon designate Qatar as a significant non-NATO ally.

China replaces the U.S. in the Middle East
Regional / Strategy

China replaces the U.S. in the Middle East

According to CNN International, the U.S. intelligence and satellite images show that Saudi Arabia is now developing its ballistic missiles with the assistance of China. The image states that the Kingdom is now actively manufacturing its own ballistic missiles with the assistance of China to restrain Iran's nuclear ambitions, the Saudis' main regional rival.

U.S.' 2022 Defence Budget: $768 billion Waits for Approval
Defence Politics

U.S.' 2022 Defence Budget: $768 billion Waits for Approval

The United States House of Representatives passed legislation that will allocate $768 billion for the nation's military in the fiscal year 2022.

Turkey Opens a New Chapter with Israel And Egypt
Bilateral Relations

Turkey Opens a New Chapter with Israel And Egypt

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that Turkey's relations with Israel and Egypt would gradually improve. He will appoint ambassadors to two countries.

Australia Signs the AUKUS Deal
Navy / Maritime Regional / Strategy

Australia Signs the AUKUS Deal

Australia inked an agreement with the US and the UK to access sensitive nuclear submarine intelligence through their AUKUS security alliance.

Kalın: F-35A Comes to the Agenda if Crisis Over
Air Bilateral Relations

Kalın: F-35A Comes to the Agenda if Crisis Over

Spokesperson to the President of Turkey, İbrahim Kalın, made exclusive statements to Milliyet regarding Turkey’s request to acquire F-16s from the U.S.

Turkey Expects to Receive US Approval for F-16 Sale
Air Bilateral Relations

Turkey Expects to Receive US Approval for F-16 Sale

Turkey expects the Biden administration to respond positively to its request to modernise its F-16 aircraft despite opposition from Armenia and Greece.

Turkey Wants to Buy 40 US F-16 Fighters

Turkey Wants to Buy 40 US F-16 Fighters

According to Reuters, Turkey has requested the US to acquire 40 Lockheed Martin-made F-16 fighter jets and nearly 80 modernization kits for its existing warplanes.

Erdogan Says Turkey to Buy More S-400, US Warns with CAATSA
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

Erdogan Says Turkey to Buy More S-400, US Warns with CAATSA

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey still intended to buy a second batch of S-400 missile defence systems from Russia and the US statement included warnings.

Kendall promises to Cut Turkey from F-35 Production
Air Bilateral Relations

Kendall promises to Cut Turkey from F-35 Production

US President Joe Biden’s US Air Force secretary nominee wants to take Turkey completely out of the production line. He also wants to promote US F-35 purchases.

US New Strategic Partner: Ukraine
Bilateral Relations Regional / Strategy

US New Strategic Partner: Ukraine

The Biden government declares relations with Ukraine as strategic partners.

Biden requests $715B for Pentagon
Defence Politics

Biden requests $715B for Pentagon

Biden made his first request for a defence budget. He asked for $753 billion in national security funding for the Defence Department.