Tejas News

HÜRJET Joins the Spanish Tender for New Trainer Aircraft

HÜRJET Joins the Spanish Tender for New Trainer Aircraft

TUSAŞ’s HÜRJET Trainer/LCA is among the contenders for Spain’s F-5 trainer aircraft replacement tender.

HAL Tejas Test fired home-made Astra BVR air-to-air missile
Weapon / Missile

HAL Tejas Test fired home-made Astra BVR air-to-air missile

The Indian Air Force's (IAF) HAL Tejas Light Fighter Jet fired a domestically-made Astra air-to-air missile (AAM).

Tejas secures flying with Hornet's engine GE F414
Engine and Transmission

Tejas secures flying with Hornet's engine GE F414

GE signed an MoU with HAL on 22 June 2023 for GE F414 jet engines which will be manufactured in India to power the HAL Tejas Mk2 light fighter jet.

Malaysia Prefers Korean TA-50 over TUSAŞ’s Hürjet

Malaysia Prefers Korean TA-50 over TUSAŞ’s Hürjet

ROK sole aircraft manufacturer KAI, announced a $920 million contract to sell 18 fighter jets to Malaysia, with the first due for delivery in 2026.

Argentina Postpones Fighter Jets Procurement to 2023

Argentina Postpones Fighter Jets Procurement to 2023

Argentinian Air Force experiences a chronic procurement problem. The country faces strong British sanctions due to the Falklands War, which dates to the 1980s. Since the United Kingdom creates every possible obstacle to Argentine’s modernisation efforts.

Malaysia and India Attend Air Combat Exercises Shakti 2022
Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

Malaysia and India Attend Air Combat Exercises Shakti 2022

The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF/TUDM) and the Indian Air Force (IAF) is currently conducting the first six-day joint air exercise, Vayu Shakti 2022. The drill was held in the Malaysian state of Kuantan airspace and its surroundings on 12-17 August. The Vayu Shakti is held at the Pokhran range every three years. The last event took place in 2019.

PAF shortlisted F-16 and JAS 39 Gripen, excluding Tejas

PAF shortlisted F-16 and JAS 39 Gripen, excluding Tejas

The Philippine Air Force (PAF) has shortlisted the US-made Lockheed Martin F-16 and Swedish Saab JAS-39 Gripen in its multi-role fighter jet (MRF) tender.

India Offers Tejas Mk1A Aircraft to Egypt

India Offers Tejas Mk1A Aircraft to Egypt

EAF is looking for a new trainer plane to replace its ageing fleet for the recently delivered Rafale fighter jet and the upcoming Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jet.

France and India to Jointly Build Aircraft Engine
Air Bilateral Relations Engine and Transmission

France and India to Jointly Build Aircraft Engine

India’s Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said that France would collaborate with India to construct an aircraft engine.