ARES Shipyards Unveils ARES 76 Corvette Design at DIMDEX

ARES Shipyards Unveils ARES 76 Corvette Design at DIMDEX

ARES 76 will use various indigenously developed weapon and sensor systems in Turkiye. ARES Shipyards CEO Utku Alanç stated that the corvette was developed in response to an inquiry from an allied nation.

Some of the highlights regarding the features of the design are reduced crew requirement, compactness, and capability to operate alongside unmanned platforms.

The weapons include MKE’s 76 mm naval gun, ROKETSAN ATMACA anti-ship missile (Four or eight missiles), ROKETSAN DSH anti-submarine rocket launcher, and two ASELSAN STAMP RCWS. For air defence, the ship will use ASELSAN’s GÖKSUR point defence missile system that will use BOZDOĞAN DH missiles with IIR guidance and a two-way data link.

Depending on customer requirements, the ship can be fitted with a 3D or 4D search radar. Other sensors include an electronic warfare system and an electro-optical system from ASELSAN. Additionally, a VTOL UAV can be operated as a remote optical sensor.

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The corvette design has an aft boat ramp accommodating a RHIB or ULAQ USV. ULAQ variants include ASuW, PSV, ASW, and KAMA (Kamikaze).

With everything summed up, the new ship draws from ARES’s past experiences with manned and unmanned naval platforms. The reduced crew size and usage of USVs signifies that ARES Shipyards is placing importance on autonomous systems for its future.

It is also worth noting that the maximised use of indigenous systems is essential for sustaining projects and exports.