Belgian Frigate’s Deployment Delays as Missile Gets Stuck

Belgian Frigate’s Deployment Delays as Missile Gets Stuck

Belgian frigate Louise-Marie’s (F931) deployment for the Red Sea was delayed as the RIM-7 anti-aircraft missile got stuck in the launch tube. According to, the deployment of the Belgian Frigate Louise-Marie (F931) was delayed. The Frigate attended an exercise to shoot down a drone, the RIM-7 Sea Sparrow ship-borne short-range anti-aircraft and anti-missile got stuck in the launch tube. As a result, Frigate’s deployment in the Red Sea has been postponed. BNS Louise Marie is one of two M-class or Karel Doorman. Her armament consists of a 76 mm Oto Melara main gun, a CIWS with a 30 mm cannon, 16 Sea Sparrow missiles in Mk48 vertical launch cells on the side of the heliport, and 8 Harpoon anti-ship missiles. The Frigate was launched in 1989 and initially served in the Dutch Navy as HNLMS Willem van der Zaan until it was sold to Belgium in 2008.