CANİK Delivered 750 Anti-Aircraft to the TAF

CANİK Delivered 750 Anti-Aircraft to the TAF

President of Defence Industry Agency (SSB) Professor İsmail Demir stated early today in a television interview that the Turkish air defence system has a new member as a new layer. He did not reveal the details. The Agency announced later that the product belongs to Samsun-based defence company Samsun Yurt Savunma (SYS).

CANİK Delivered 750 Anti-Aircraft to the TAF

SYS’s CANiK delivered 750 units of qualified national anti-aircraft gun, CANiK M2 QCB, to the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and law enforcement forces at once. Thus, it accomplished the largest one-shot delivery of 12.7mm anti-aircraft guns in the history of the Turkish Republic.

CANİK Delivered 750 Anti-Aircraft to the TAF

Samsun Yurt Savunma Inc General Manager C. Utku Aral said, “We have developed Turkiye’s only and largest calibre machine gun. We are honoured to put our anti-aircraft gun, CANiK M2 QCB, into the Turkish Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs service, which we realised with 160 million liras of R&D and over 440 million liras of industrialisation investment in this three-year period. The CANiK M2 QCB is the only weapon in the world that has successfully completed the icing and contamination tests. In addition, we officially broke the world record of barrel life with 20,000 round shots and completed the world"s most difficult qualification test for 12.7x99 mm Heavy Machine Guns with zero errors without repetition. After our qualification success in August 2022, we have now set a new record and added a total of 750 anti-aircraft guns (CANiK M2 QCB) to our army"s inventory at once. It is an almost unprecedented achievement in the history of the Republic, and even for a weapon of this calibre to be delivered with a number of 750 units at once. We want to thank our Defence Industry Agency for trusting us and entrusting us with this task.”

CANİK Delivered 750 Anti-Aircraft to the TAF

Stating that CANiK continues its targets for the global market without slowing down, C. Utku Aral added, “With our CANiK brand, which exports to 69 countries in four continents of the world, we continue to contribute to furthering the development level of the Turkish economy. To date, CANiK has 3,500 confirmed orders for the M2 QCB anti-aircraft gun. We will deliver the entire order of 3,500 units to the law enforcement agencies of friendly and allied countries abroad.”