Classified Composite Fabrication Centre of Boeing Revealed

Classified Composite Fabrication Centre of Boeing Revealed

The factory will be operated under Phantom Works, Boeing’s research, development and prototyping division. Advanced Composite Fabrication Centre is expected to reach full operational capability this fall. The company aiming further digitalise its production infrastructure. Works and studies of the new 14,400 square-meter facilities are classified. But it is expected that the factory will produce components for MA-28 Ghost Bat, MQ-25 Stingray and T-7A Red Hawk programs. Boeing will open a series of innovation centres like this one. The investment budget is stated as “half a billion U.S. Dollars.”

Classified Composite Fabrication Centre of Boeing Revealed

Boeing aiming further digitalise its products and enhance its technology. The new solution will also be developed and produced in the line of flexibility and adaptability. Planned plants will have an interchangeable infrastructure.

Classified Composite Fabrication Centre of Boeing Revealed

Next-generation composite solutions are essential for future projects, such as aviation and other military systems. Thus, many companies are investing in enhanced digital research and development, production and experimental facilities to shed light on tomorrow.