Demir Denies UN Report: KARGU-2 Does not Attack Autonomously

Demir Denies UN Report: KARGU-2 Does not Attack Autonomously
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The report claimed that lethal autonomous weapons systems were programmed to attack targets without requiring a data connection between the operator and the ammunition. Instead, the “fire, forget and find” Turkish forces in the field used capability.

Speaking on the subject, Demir said, “There is an attempt to create such a perception. ‘UAVs and UCAVs hit targets and indiscriminately.’ In our system, issuing the final order works very clearly. The Turkish Armed Forces have a mechanism that is far from any ambiguity. Therefore, there is no possibility of such movement.” United Nations UN, Libya Experts Panel claimed that the KARGU-2 loitering munition developed by STM was used in an autonomous attack against Haftar’s forces in Libya. These allegations were cited by people whose names were kept confidential.

Demir Denies UN Report: KARGU-2 Does not Attack Autonomously


Demir reminded the UN report, “There was such news about the KARGU UAV that it hit the target autonomously. Technologically, we can put this capability on the field. However, we are never engaged in a target that cannot be 100% determined. Navigation to the target is also done under human control. I want to emphasize this again because we see the possibility of creating another perception here.” made statements.